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Malabar WWTP: Digester Heating System Audit

As part of the Malabar Process and Reliability Renewals (PARR) project, Sydney Water has included an upgrade of the digester heating system. The 4Malabar alliance, consisting of John Holland, GHD and UGL, approached Stark Engineering Consulting for a thorough review of the system. Due to our intimate knowledge of the associated cogeneration plant, we were able to provide the alliance with a comprehensive audit of the existing system and recommendations for the planned upgrade.


Our scope of work included:

  • Detailed desktop review of existing information

  • Options and recommendations for the upgrade under the PARR project

  • Heating system modelling for additional heating capacity

  • Heating system modelling and comparison with site measurements for validation

  • A targeted measuring campaign for the verification of critical component's actual performance

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